Without the generosity in time and money of the many supporters of the Needham Farmers Market, this vital work would not be possible. Thank You!
Become a Root Donor! Make a donation of $10 or more and receive a Needham Farmers Market car magnet!
Donations may be made by coming to the Market Manager table any Sunday or by sending a check made out to Needham Farmers Market and mailed to President, Jeff Friedman, 227 Eliot Street, Ashland, MA 01721.
Or by credit card via Paypal using the button here
Needham Farmers Market (NFM) is a Massachusetts non-profit corporation. We are a 501(c)(3), and donations are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. Volunteers run NFM. Operating expenses will be incurred for permitting, insurance, equipment, marketing, advertising & filing fees, etc.